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British Airways and Delta have decided  find out from "Aeroflot".
   After the events that began in recent days, no one even doubted that the so-called
"The King of Sanctions". The UK has already stated that it prohibits "Aeroflot" planes from landing on his land. Russia has one trump card, which may be extremely disliked by both the British and everyone "to the Collective West."
   A similar situation already existed in 2014, when Crimea, unexpectedly for everyone and without a fight, went to his native harbor. Obviously, no one expected such a turn!

Civil | Views: 437 | Added by: vvs5500 | Date: 04.03.2022 | Comments (0)

Пилот в кабине самолета"Says your captain" is a familiar phrase that passengers hear during the flight. But apart from weather information and reminders of the "seat belt fastening" warning, airliner pilots are usually not very talkative. I wonder what they could tell if they had the opportunity?
Civil | Views: 1388 | Added by: vvs5500 | Date: 16.02.2018 | Comments (0)

   The genius of industrial novels of Arthur Hailey is the book "Runwayimage 08", which tells of how pilots of eating poor quality food, causing lost consciousness. As a result, aircraft and many had visited the idea during the flight: "What if the pilots die / go to sleep / jump out of a plane, and I'll put this very large object?" Passenger seat. To say that such a situation is impossible, impossible. For example, in 2005, not far from Athens was an accident.Cypriot "Boeing", which occurred after takeoff  was depressurizated. The pilots lost consciousness, and uncontrollable airplane a few hours spent in the air, then fell. Yes, and many visited the idea during the flight: "What if the pilots die / go to sleep / jump out of a plane, and I'll put this very large object?"

Civil | Views: 1810 | Added by: vvs5500 | Date: 07.12.2017 | Comments (0)

The anxiety associated with the new composite materials used in modern aircraft construction
imageIt should be noted that the manufacturers of commercial aircraft using composite materials in some parts of the aircraft for several decades. And since 2011 began to build large aircraft, almost entirely using composite materials. At the beginning of the Boeing 787, and later Airbus A350. Some observers expressed concern about the fact that this technology is poorly understood, and may conceal madapollam associated with increasing use of composite materials in commercial categories of aircraft.
Civil | Views: 1541 | Added by: vvs5500 | Date: 03.12.2017 | Comments (0)