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Who will lose more from the closure of the airspace over Siberia?

British Airways and Delta have decided  find out from "Aeroflot".

   After the events that began in recent days, no one even doubted that the so-called
The King of Sanctions. The UK has already stated that it prohibits "Aeroflot" planes from landing on his land. Russia has one trump card, which may be extremely disliked by both the British and everyone "to the Collective West."
   A similar situation already existed in 2014, when Crimea, unexpectedly for everyone and without a fight, went to his native harbor. Obviously, no one expected such a turn!
   Just recently, it became known that the Federal Air Transport Agency, in response to the ban of the company "Aeroflot" to land on
the territory of the United Kingdom, banned British aircraft from using its airspace.
In addition to British Airways, the American company Delta Airlines was banned.

The Trans-Siberian route connects Asia and North America, as well as European countries with Asia. Closure the Trans-Siberian corridor for Western airlines will be a good income for Asian countries and bankruptcy for European air carriers. Russia has left this strong trump card as a last resort.

   Some British Airlines routes through SiberiaIn 2014, against the background of the aggravation of the "U-crisis" and a possible ban on the use of the Siberian airspace by Western airlines, the shares of European airlines went down sharply. At that time, it was possible to reach an agreement.

   The Trans-Siberian route is usually the shortest route from EU cities to Asian countries such as China, Japan and South Korea. About 12 people use this route for flights to Asia
European air carriers, which make 900 flights a week, to only three Asian countries.
The largest of them are Air France, British Airways and Lufthansa.

   Delta AirlinesBefore the pandemic, Lufthansa operated 160 flights through the airspace of Siberia per week, Air France - 130, British Airways - 90, Finnair - 115 flights. Data on Asian airlines showed that almost all of them operate flights through the same airspace.
Any move to ban Western carriers from using the Siberian route could lead to
a significant increase in their fuel bills.

   According to one of the European companies, a slight deviation from the airspace of Siberia to the south, for example, through Kazakhstan - it will add 30-45 minutes to the flight. Fuel bills will fall on the shoulders of passengers in
in the form of higher tariffs.

   For example, the agreement to fly through Siberia significantly reduces the way from Europe to Asia and allows save on fuel by an average of 30-40000 euros. Aeroflot receives about $300 million a year for flying over the territory of Russia. Large part of this amount, after paying all taxes, she keeps for herself.
Category: Civil | Added by: vvs5500 (04.03.2022)
Views: 438 | Tags: British Airways, Siberian, Air France, Aeroflot, Finnair, Trans, Sanctions, Route | Rating: 0.0/0
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