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The complex simulator is one of the stages of the personnel training system under the MS-21 program. The development of a complex of technical means of training (CTT) by order of "Irkut" is carried out by the company "NPF Systems of complex simulators".
Category: Civil | Views: 1144 | Added by: vvs5500 | Date: 07.03.2022 | Comments (0)

Russia has banned flights over its territory to air carriers from 36 states
Russia has banned flights over its territory to air carriers from 36 states. The consequences of this measure were told on Sputnik radio by the head of the Logistics consulting group. Business. Solutions" Vyacheslav Belobzhetsky.
Category: Civil | Views: 934 | Added by: vvs5500 | Date: 04.03.2022 | Comments (0)

MS-21 airliner with Russian PD-14 engines made its first flight
The MS-21-310 aircraft, equipped with new Russian PD-14 engines, made its first flight. This was reported by the press service of Rostec.
Category: Civil | Views: 1884 | Added by: vvs5500 | Date: 15.12.2020 | Comments (0)

Irkutsk aviation plant received the first engines for installation of Russian medium-haul aircraft MS-21, which has already been dubbed the "Killer of Boeing", RIA Novosti reported, citing information from the press service of the state Corporation rostec. The power units were produced by UEC - Perm motors.
Category: Civil | Views: 2954 | Added by: vvs5500 | Date: 23.01.2020 | Comments (0)

The first day of the air show in Le Bourget did not bring Boeing any contract. The head of the company admitted that this year the concern came to Paris not to sell, but to save the reputation after two catastrophes 737 MAX. However, such a move could turn into a new scandal: while even American carriers choose European aircraft.
Category: Civil | Views: 1363 | Added by: vvs5500 | Date: 18.06.2019 | Comments (0)

Footage of the flight of the largest aircraft in the world flew around The globe. It's really an amazing sight. Giant two fuselage the Stratolaunch Systems aircraft made its first flight.

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Category: Civil | Views: 2255 | Added by: vvs5500 | Date: 29.04.2019 | Comments (0)

The aircraft of Virgin Atlantic airlines, flying from Los Angeles to London, during the flight exceeded the speed of sound.  ... Read more »
Category: Civil | Views: 2236 | Added by: vvs5500 | Date: 21.02.2019 | Comments (0)


    The catalog cost of the prospective Russian aircraft MS-21-300 will be $ 96.1 million. Such sum was announced by the President of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) Yuri Slyusar in an interview with Vedomosti. The prices of its classmates of similar capacity in the two-year layout of the Boeing 737MAX-8 (from 162 seats) and the Airbus A320neo (from 165 seats) are 15-20% higher - 117.1 million and 110.6 million dollars, respectively. However, manufacturers can give significant discounts from the catalog cost of aircraft. 
Category: Civil | Views: 2014 | Added by: vvs5500 | Date: 24.08.2018 | Comments (0)

The shortest representative of the new incarnation of the narrow-body Boeing family - 737 MAX 7 - performed its first flight on March 16.
The project is developing according to the schedule, and from this day the flying part of the certification program was launched, which should be completed by obtaining permits and deliveries in 2019.
Category: Civil | Views: 1697 | Added by: vvs5500 | Date: 21.03.2018 | Comments (0)

French manufacturer of business aircraft Dassault Aviation announced today the development of a new business jet Falcon 6X. It is expected that the new model will make the first flight in early 2021. Deliveries should begin a year later.
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Category: Civil | Views: 1806 | Added by: vvs5500 | Date: 15.03.2018 | Comments (0)

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