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How to land a plane in the event of the death of pilots

    The genius of industrial novels of Arthur Hailey is the book "Runwayimage 08", which tells of how pilots of eating poor quality food, causing lost consciousness. As a result, aircraft and many had visited the idea during the flight: "What if the pilots die / go to sleep / jump out of a plane, and I'll put this very large object?" Passenger seat. To say that such a situation is impossible, impossible. For example, in 2005, not far from Athens was an accident.Cypriot "Boeing", which occurred after takeoff  was depressurizated. The pilots lost consciousness, and uncontrollable airplane a few hours spent in the air, then fell. Yes, and many visited the idea during the flight: "What if the pilots die / go to sleep / jump out of a plane, and I'll put this very large object?"

    Last week, in a number of Russian blogs provide a link to an English site "The art of manliness", which was also touched upon "how to land the plane, if something happened to the pilot." We decided that our readers traveling ability to land the plane, too, will not be superfluous. Therefore, before reading this article, print it first and never forget to take a printout from a flight. And remember - to land the plane is not too difficult, just follow the simple rules and get yourself together! Panic - the main enemy of all!


   Going into the cockpit, possibly take a seat on the left. Usually this isimage the captain of the aircraft seat, and from this point to access certain features that we will need to plant entered the cockpit, possibly take a seat located slevasamoleta much easier. So, once settled in the captain's chair, take a deep breath and see if it bites a plane's nose (see more land than the sky), not bullied a strong nose up, it does not turn the aircraft, etc. If everything is fine and the plane flies straight, then do not touch anything, including autopilot. If there is a clear deviation, grab the wheel to align the plane. But do not be no sudden movements, do everything slowly. Management is the same as in simulations in platformers games - the wheel away from you to the plane goes down, the wheel itself, so that the aircraft climbed. Or left / right, respectively, to turn left or right.

   If you fly in the clouds and there is no way to navigate in space, thenimage use the attitude indicator, or in other words - the attitude indicator. This instrument shows the aircraft's position relative to the ground and the sky. The figure in the center of the letter «W» denotes aircraft wings, brown color indicates the ground, and blue represent the sky. So, if you see half brown, half blue - then you fly directly (on the horizon). If the reading other means to align the plane with the rudder control, ie helm. And try to avoid the towers of shopping centers, they may interfere with the successful landing of the aircraft.

 Signal  to disaster

   Once you have taken control of the plane, the next step that needs toimage be done - to contact air traffic control, to explain the situation and ask for help. Most aircraft have a connection with the switch button on the steering wheel control room right where the thumb is usually located. But the catch is that the autopilot disconnect button is the same - naPosle you have taken control of the plane, the next step that needs to be done - this is due to the air traffic control stick. Without some knowledge of the location of the aircraft control certain brands better on the wheel not to touch anything. A safer alternative - use a portable radio that is left of the pilot's seat below the window. Using them is simple - just click the button to talk and release to listen. Try to make radiozapros tuned to radio frequency. Click and say «SOS» or «Mayday», identify yourself and explain what happened. Do not worry about radioetiquette, still on board emergency. If you fly over a foreign state, use the English language, all controllers they possess. Tell the dispatcher that pilots kirdyk and you do not know how to fly a plane. To hear the answer, do not forget to press the button.

If suddenly the answer to the tuned frequency is not, re-adjust the receiver to the frequency FM (VHF) 121,5 MHz - the frequency is constantly monitored by the emergency services. Panel frequency setting is usually located on the instrument panel between the seats of the captain and co-pilot, it can be directly opposite the captain.

Follow the instructions

   If you'll just follow all the planting is certainly not the softest, butimage blagopoluchnoyTochno just like in the movies, then contact manager with a bunch of his superiors, and together they will, sipping hot coffee and smoking one cigarette after another, to decide how to help you. According to the data that you tell them, they will find a model airplane, and the exact location of all the systems and instruments to help you land the winged colossus. If you'll just follow all the landing will be, of course, not the soft but bright.



   The reality is that many of today's aircraft is fully automated and canimage make landing themselves, or at least, to build up the plane with respect to the center line of the runway. This - Auto-cursor glide slope system, it displays the aircraft precisely on the centerline of the strip. All you have to do - is to ground the plane about 30 meters high. In that case, all you have to do manually is:
- Alignment. Pull the wheel itself to the main landing gear touched the ground first. This - Auto-cursor glide slope system, it displays the aircraft precisely on the centerline of the strip

 - Landing. Next, take the wheel away from you to the nose landing gear touched the ground.

 - Remove the thrust. To do this, move the controls traction in the rear position.

 - Click on the brakes, which are located at the top of the rudder pedals that are right under your feet.

 - If you move out to the runway, then lightly truster rudder pedals to adjust the position of the aircraft relative to the center line of the strip.

  You have landed! This is incredible! Now, you - the hero of the day, accept congratulations! But before you can safely toss the chair of the imaginary plane, here are a few important additions:
Notes, Warnings, Precautions

   Lower the chassis before you proceed directly to the landing-Lower chassis before proceeding directly to the landing - a key step for a successful landing. Park your vehicle in and you can forget about it say, because for them it is the action is granted. Handle mechanism chassis almost always located just to the right of the center console in the front dashboard, usually above the left knee of the second pilot.

- To slow the plane in the air, you need to use multiple switches to enable, for example, the slats (mainly on large airplanes) or flaps. They allow the aircraft to maintain a horizontal position at low speed during landing. They are usually found close to the thrust levers.

- What you need to remember, letting slats, flaps and landing gear - is the maximum allowable speed at which they can be activated. Not be the end of the world if you activate them too early, but it's best to avoid it. If there is no connection with those who can help answer the question of "when", this data can spy on a special plate - takeoff and landing data (TOLD - take off and landing data).

- If you can find the speed indicator (in aviation do not implement ground speed, speed measured relative to the incoming air stream - the so-called airspeed), if you are flying a civilian aircraft, such as Boeing 737, stick to a speed of 200 knots (370 km / h) make sure that the speed is within the Green Zone. As with everything in our lives, green - it's good! If the arrow is in the yellow sector, it is still fixable. But if the red - soon you will die. If the aircraft is flying too slowly, the plane fall into a dive. Inexperienced pilot, not a trained behavior in extreme situations, this can not cope.

- If you are flying a civilian aircraft, such as "Boeing 737", stick to a speed of 200 knots (370 km / h). Start planting, reduce speed to 130 knots (240 km / h). At this speed, it is already possible to open the flaps, slats, and landing gear. Smaller class aircraft such as Cessna, you need to keep at a speed of 70 knots (130 km / h). In any case, it is better to learn from the dispatcher, at what speed should be the approach.

Good you landings!

In preparing the material used in the original text and photo site "The art of manliness"

Category: Civil | Added by: vvs5500 (07.12.2017)
Views: 1811 | Tags: plane, in case, aircraft, pilot, Landing, IF, Death | Rating: 0.0/0
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