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Главная » 2022 » March » 15 » Unbelievable! A very badly damaged Su-25 (on the NATO codification Frogfoot) managed to return to base.
Unbelievable! A very badly damaged Su-25 (on the NATO codification Frogfoot) managed to return to base.
   While performing a combat mission in the zone of a special military operation, a rocket of a portable anti-aircraft missile system fired from the ground hit the Su-25 attack aircraft, which was the second in a pair.

   The pilot of the damaged aircraft, having assessed the situation, decided to turn off the damaged engine and not leave the plane.
   The pilot of the leading (first) aircraft, Lieutenant Colonel Denis Litvinov, carried out the rebuilding, and realizing that the comrade's plane would not withstand a repeated missile hit, covered him with his plane.
   The pilot of the second plane visually detected the launch of the second rocket and, shooting off heat traps, managed to take the rocket away. When landing, the pilot of the damaged Su-25 reported a failure of the control and control systems of the aircraft, landing on the commands of the pilot covering him.
   Thanks to the cold-blooded and skillful actions of the pilot Denis Litvinov, it was possible to save the life of his comrade and a combat aircraft. Both pilots are presented with state awards.

Категория: Air force | Просмотров: 884 | Добавил: vvs5500 | Теги: aircraf, Su-25SM, Rook, Attack, Russian, superrook, su-25 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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