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Главная » 2022 » April » 2 » Multi-purpose Russian transport aircraft IL-276. When is the first flight expected?
Multi-purpose Russian transport aircraft IL-276. When is the first flight expected?

If you look at it from a certain angle, India can be called the savior of Russian aviation. It was thanks to this country that Russia was able to load domestic design bureaus, as well as military factories with work.

Thanks to this, the economy improved, vast experience was gained, which subsequently had a positive impact on the Russian aviation industry.

The IL-276 multi-purpose transport aircraft appeared as a result of friendship with that very saving India. The initiator of the creation of the new aircraft was India, the country's army was in dire need of a high-quality transport aircraft capable of operating freely in conditions of local specifics.

Russian developments are just able to work in such conditions. By the time the development began, trade relations had been established between the countries for a long time, there was a wealth of experience in the supply of the Su-30K. The Indian Army had high hopes for Russian industry.
At the beginning of 2001, the countries officially signed an agreement and started creating the project. However, after a while, India withdrew from the project to create an airplane.

In connection with these events, the development of the aircraft was suspended. After that, it continued unilaterally.

As a result, we managed to create a very interesting car. Il has a wide unification with existing aircraft models, the transporter has a payload capacity of 20 tons and a flight range of up to 2000 kilometers. The ceiling height is 12,000 meters, and the maximum speed is 870 km / h.

According to the project, the new multi-purpose transport aircraft is capable of transporting up to 80% of all modern types of military equipment and weapons at much lower costs compared to its predecessors. According to official data, the first flight of the aircraft should take place in 2023, and the start of operation is planned from 2026.

What do you think about this? Write your opinion in the comments to the article.

Категория: Air force | Просмотров: 1321 | Добавил: vvs5500 | Теги: Transport, military, aviation, Russian, Il-276, aircraft | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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