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Главная » 2024 » January » 10 » Check&Mate - Russian, multifunctional, tactical
Check&Mate - Russian, multifunctional, tactical
The design documentation for the new Sukhoi fighter has been transferred to the manufacturer
   Sukhoi is developing the first single-engine light tactical aircraft in the modern history of Russia. This aircraft will have a take-off weight of up to 18 tons and have a high flight speed exceeding Mach 2. It will also have high maneuverability and improved takeoff and landing characteristics due to the deflected thrust vector of the engine. The thrust-to-weight ratio of the aircraft will be at least 1. 
A source in the aircraft industry of the Russian Federation reported on May 26, 2021, that PJSC Sukhoi Company began work on a new supersonic single-engine light fighter with low radar visibility. This news meant that the concept of a new fighter aircraft began to turn into reality. The details of what it will be became known after its presentation on July 20, 2021 at the MAKS-2021 air show. A highly ready experimental prototype of a light tactical aircraft was demonstrated there.

The Checkmate with its V-shaped tail was designed using a traditional aerodynamic design. The triangular-shaped Su75 wing, located in the middle, featured improved mechanization of the front and rear edges. The aircraft engine had a thrust vector control system with small control surfaces located between the engine nozzle and the tail. The fuselage of the new fighter housed three compartments for carrying external ammunition, which, according to representatives of Sukhoi, were compatible with the Su-57 arsenal.

   In accordance with the modern "aviation fashion" established during the development of American aircraft such as the F-117, B-2, F-22 and F-35, as well as the Russian Su-57, the Su-75 incorporated elements of stealth technology. It was assumed that, like its Russian "big brother", Checkmate would be equipped with a swarm drone control system, and the fighter would be able to carry these drones on external and/or internal pylons.
Sukhoi Design Bureau provided information on a number of characteristics of the prototype:
  •  the maximum take-off weight reaches 18 tons;
  •  maximum combat load - 7.4 tons;
  •  maximum speed - Mach 1.8;
  •  the maximum ceiling is 16.5 km;
  •  range - 2,800 km;
  •  the combat radius is 1,400 km.

Категория: Air force | Просмотров: 400 | Добавил: vvs5500 | Теги: Su-34, PAK FA, Su-24, Ministry of Defense of the Russian , F-35, Sukhoi, Su-57, Rostec, Defense industry, UAC, Russian Army, military equipment, Armament, Rosoboronexport, Armory, MAKS-2021, Sergey Chemezov, su-25, Defense, Fighter | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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