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Главная » 2020 » December » 3 » The defense Ministry received three final su-35S from the Komsomolsk aircraft factory
The defense Ministry received three final su-35S from the Komsomolsk aircraft factory
New "Super-Flanker" for the Russian air force.

The Russian state aircraft building holding UAC (United Aircraft Corporation) handed over three plants of the new SU-35S to the Russian air force. Trinity marks the completion of an order for 50 aircraft by 2015. But the replenishment is already on the way. 

Before the stealth fighter Su-57 is ready for use, the Sukhoi SU-35S remains the best fighter of the Russian air force. The Su-35 is considered the crown jewel of the successful "Flanker" family and has the epithet "super-Flanker"for good reason. Suchoi itself touts the Jet as a 4++ generation Fighter that has grown for any opponent – with the exception of Lockheed Martin's F-22 Raptor. The Russian air
force seems to share this impression: after all, 98 Sukhoi SU-35S have been delivered to operationalunits over the past ten years.

48, 50 & 30

The first order for 48 cars was signed in 2009 for Aviasalon Max. In 2015, another order for 50 new"super-flankers"followed. Over the past five years, the Russian Armed forces have received ten new SU-35S per year under the contract. At the end of November, Sukhoi managed to deliver the last three cars from this ready-made one to Komsomolsk-on-Amur. However, even after that, production of the su-35
will not stop: in the summer of 2020, the air force for the third time ordered new "superflankers" - this time 30 pieces. A clear hint that the Russian military keeps large pieces on the pattern.

Super Complex Multi-Purpose Fighter

Technically, the "Super Flanker" lives up to its reputation in everything, but surpasses the older members of the Flanker family in almost every area. Their NPO Saturn 117S turbofans provide 16 percent more thrust than their predecessors ' engines. Structural improvements give the SU-35S not only more space for fuel, but also a service life of about 30 years. To do this, the super-Flanker received modern avionics with two color monitors in the cockpit, a more powerful radar for tracking up to 30
targets simultaneously, as well as electronic warfare systems. Western observers impressed the SU-35S with its maneuverability at the 2013 foreign premiere in Paris in the main: with vector thrust nozzles and fully digital flight control, the "super-Flanker" makes physical laws look like simple

Bumpy Early Years

Unsurprisingly, the SU-35S represents much more to Russia than just a temporary solution for the Su-57. Even more surprising is the fact that this position in the ranks of the armed forces has applied late through and thanks to today's success of "Super Flanker", primarily with your manufacturer's exposure is not. Until the first order eleven years ago, Sukhoi and its suppliers had to partially Finance their own developments. At the same time, the roots of the modern su-35 go back to the end of the Soviet Union. The first prototype flew in 1985. Then the plane was called the su-27M and owned a small Canards on the leading edge of the wing. But after the collapse of the USSR, for a long time there was no money to accurately evaluate the "super-Flanker", which since 1992 has been used as the su-35 of state routes. Nevertheless, Sukhoi steadily optimized its flagship, failed several times – by 2009, with an official order for 48 cars, the desired breakthrough was finally successful. The su-35 has not been
released from the Arsenal of the Russian air force since then. And, given the state of the order, this is likely to continue for several more decades.

Armament: the Su-35 has a built-in gun gsch-301 with 150 rounds. Air-to - air and air-to-ground weapons of all kinds can be carried at twelve external load stations, including R-77-1, R-27, R-37M, R-73E, R-74M, Ch-31PM, Ch-35U, Ch-38M, Ch-58USch, Ch-59M2A, guided bombs (250, 500, 1500 kg)

Technical characteristics of Sukhoi SU-35S

Design:Sukhoi manufacturer: KNAAS, Komsomolsk-on-Amur
Crew: 1
drive: 2 X turbophanes NPO Saturn AL-41F-1S (117S) with vector
thrust nozzles 
thrust: 86.86 KN without and 143.13 kN with Afterburner
Length: 21.90 m
height: 5.93 mw
Ingspan: 14.7 m without container
Wing area: 62 m2
Empty weight: 17,000 kg
Fuel: 11,500 kg
Additional tanks: 3200 kg
Weapon charge: 8000 kg
Normal take-off weight: 25,300 kg
Max. Take-off weight: 34,500 kg
Maximum speed: Mach 2.25 in 11 000 m height
Speed near the ground: 1400 km/ h at 200 m altitude
Max.Climbing rate: over 280 M / s near the ground
Service peak height: 18 000 m
Starting roll distance: 400-450 m with full afterburner thrust
Range: 1580 km with full Tanks close to the ground, Mach 0.7
Ferry range: 4,500 km with 2 x 2000-l-additional tanks
Max. Load multiplicity: + 9 g

Категория: Air force | Просмотров: 1403 | Добавил: vvs5500 | Теги: WEAPON, Russian, SU-35S, Sukhoi, Flanker, Su-57, Super | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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