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«  March 2018  »
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Главная » 2018 » March » 6 » Media reported on the refusal of American Delta Airlines from flights to Moscow
Media reported on the refusal of American Delta Airlines from flights to Moscow

The American airline Delta Airlines has decided not to fly any more between the largest cities of the United States and Moscow, the Kommersant newspaper reports.
According to the publication, initially the company decided to revise the schedule of flights to the Russian capital in 2015, when passenger traffic from Russia fell significantly. In 2017, Delta sent planes to Russia only in the summer, and now decided to abandon this option. The decision was explained there by the result of the analysis of the route network.
At the same time, as journalists specify, there will be no shortage of flights. After this decision, the Russian airline Aeroflot, on the contrary, will increase the number of flights to Miami and New York. Also, more capacious aircraft are planned to be used for flights to Los Angeles.
In January 2018, several flight attendants accused Delta Airlines of being anti-Semitic. They claimed that the airline management had a negative attitude towards Jewish workers and passengers traveling to Israel.

Категория: Civil | Просмотров: 1656 | Добавил: vvs5500 | Теги: American, new york, Aeroflot, Miami, Delta, airlines, Airline, MOSCOW, Russia | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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