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Yak-130 - the newest fighting machine with protection from fools

   Talking about the latest Russian combat aircraft, you can not ignore the Yak-130, which since 2011 is serially produced at the Irkutsk Aviation Plant and is successfully operated by the Russian Air Force and abroad. Yak-130 (on the codification of NATO: Mitten - "Rukavitsa") is a Russian training and combat aircraft developed by the Yakovlev Design Bureau together with the Italian company Aermacchi for the replacement in the Russian Air Force of training aircraft L-39.
   Everybody knows perfectly well that the preparation of a pilot of a combat aviation process is a long and expensive and training-fighting aircraft an integral part of the air force of any more or less developed state. It should be noted that the Yak-130 is the first completely new (and not modernized version of the existing model) aircraft built in Russia after the collapse of the USSR and in the tender for the supply to the armed forces this car bypassed the MiG-AT.
   The competition for the development of a new UBS was announced back in the late 1980s. The new machine was to become a twin-engine universal aircraft for the
preparation of pilots, from initial flight training to combat operations, as well as to maintain flight skills in combat units. 
    According to the plan of the leadership of our armed forces, the new aircraft must completely replace the obsolete fleet of Czechoslovak aircraft L-39, according to rough estimates, this should happen within 10-13 years, and become the main training unit of the Russian Air Force.
   Of course, that for the development of a new aircraft, large funds were required, which (to our shame) neither the developers nor the Ministry of Defense of Russia had, and therefore the Yak-130 was designed jointly with the Italian company Alenia Aermacchi. However, at the final stage of the work, disagreements began with the Italian partner, and the joint work was stopped. Then the production was transferred to the Irkut aviation plant in 2011, and the enterprise decided to create a light attack aircraft with a radar (Bars-130) and high-precision weapons based on the Yak-130.
   The range of the Yak-130 aircraft's tasks includes the training of cadets of flight schools: takeoff, landing, piloting, navigation, performing complex maneuvers, acquiring the skills of actions in the limiting modes of flight, actions in the event of aircraft failures and flight errors, flight operations in closed battle formations during the day and in the conditions of visual visibility, the development of weapons systems and training the bases of combat use in actions for ground and air targets, training in offensive and defensive maneuvering skills, characteristic A aircraft the fourth and fifth generations.
   It is important that the aircraft is equipped with a simulation system for combat use, allowing (without shooting real ammunition) to train an air battle, inter-aircraft interaction, missile and bomb strikes on ground targets, including simulating enemy air defenses. There are nine points of suspension - for hanging fuel tanks and containers with real guns and missiles.
In the event of war, this machine is able to perform the role of a light attack aircraft - to destroy individual ground targets, low-speed air targets, but the main thing is still the training of pilots for mastering even more serious fighters of 4 and 5 generations, namely Su-30MK and MiG-29. The aircraft has an electronic indication, built on three liquid crystal MFDIs (multifunctional digital indicators) measuring 15 × 20 cm, without electromechanical devices, for each pilot. In the front cabin there is an indicator on the windshield. In addition, the aircraft is equipped with a system of protection against stalling (a complex spatial position, when the pilot loses spatial orientation), which is also called "protection from fools".
   The Russian Air Force's need for such aircraft is estimated at 250 units, and the world market's need is 2500 units. In addition to the Russian Air Force, where as of early 2018 there are 95 units of the Yak-130, the car is operated in Algeria, Bangladesh, Belarus, and Myanmar. In addition to these countries, the plane wanted to buy Libya, but the deal was thwarted by the NATO invasion, and then by Syria, whose contract was postponed due to the civil war. At the moment, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, and Mongolia are considering buying the plane.
Category: Military | Added by: vvs5500 (11.03.2018) Web
Views: 1286 | Tags: yak-130, air, aircraft, Russian, Force, Combat | Rating: 0.0/0
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