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Overview of the possibilities of a new modification of the legendary Su-25 "Rook"

Attack aircraft Su-25SM (on the NATO codification Frogfoot, "frog's foot") - this is a modernized version of the single-seat Su-25 attack aircraft. The car features updated avionics, the addition of an indicator on the windshield and a multifunction display in the cockpit. Since September 30, 2015, Su-25SM planes have made combat sorties against terrorist groups in Syria, acting as part of the mixed air group of the Russian Air Force.

A step from the deployment of the Russian army is a new modification of the Su-25, which proved to be very successful. According to the latest news, tests updated to the level of the Su-25СМ3 aircraft should be completed in 2018, and the party of 22 vehicles of the Russian Space Forces will receive in April. Let's see why this news is very important.

An irreplaceable "workhorse"

Attack aircraft Su-25 carried out its first flight in 1975, and began to operate since 1981. Since then, the machine has been involved in a huge number of conflicts around the world, establishing itself as a very reliable and viable aircraft. The main emphasis in the development of the aircraft was made on the criterion of "price-quality" and survivability. Su-25 is a subsonic airplane, and taking into account the specifics of the application - work on targets on the battlefield from small heights, it is not even equipped with an airtight cabin. As for security, the developers succeeded in this element perfectly. A cockpit with titanium armor, an armored partition between engines, duplication of key systems, etc., saved not one life and a plane.

Nevertheless, the Su-25 in its pristine form is already outdated - mainly due to on-board equipment. Thus, the aircraft is poorly adapted to the use of guided weapons (mostly unguided missiles and bombs), has an outdated navigation system, communications, etc. At the same time, some statements about the development of a new attack aircraft even sounded, but so far no real confirmation has been found. Moreover, not so long ago the ex-commander-in-chief of the Air and Space Forces of Russia Viktor Bondarev declared that the modern Su-34 bombers should be a replacement for the Su-25 and Su-24 front-line bombers. In fact, the exploitation of the "heaped" Su-34 is more expensive (like the cost of the aircraft itself), and the combat missions can be reduced in less than a day. And the tasks of the attack aircraft and the front bomber are different - to "chase" the expensive Su-34, equipped with equipment for high-precision strikes from high altitudes and distances, directly above the battlefield, being substituted for the fire of antiaircraft artillery and portable air defense missile systems (MANPADS) not a good idea.

 Thus, there is a real need for Russia to retain either the Su-25 itself, with deep modernization, or to create a new aircraft of a similar class. Given the limited available funding and the Su-25 platform, which has not lost its relevance, it is planned to modernize the existing "Rooks" by today. It should be noted that from the middle to the end of the 2000s such work has already begun: since then 84 aircraft have been upgraded to the Su-25SM level, having received updated on-board electronics ensuring the successful use of guided missiles and bombs, and modern means navigation. Even with such a budgetary upgrade Su-25 became much more effective, demonstrating this during the civil war in Syria. But everything has the property of becoming obsolete.

Su-25SM3 "SuperRook" can soon show itself in Syria

The adoption of a new modification of the Su-25, known as the Su-25SM3 and the nickname "SuperRook," was somewhat delayed, but the latest tests should soon be completed, after which the first batch of storm troopers will go to the troops. The capabilities of the Su-25 this time will grow very much - the machine will receive an optical-electronic system SOLT-25 (optical, laser, thermal imaging), in the name of which the essence of its work is reflected. SOLT-25 provides automatic detection and tracking of moving ground targets at distances up to 6-8 km. Also, the aircraft will receive a new on-board defense complex Vitebsk, which will detect the launch of MANPADS (by detecting a characteristic outbreak in the ultraviolet range) and radar interference, and the release of thermal traps (for deception of infrared homing missiles) and a new communication system. The aircraft will be able to use a large range of guided missiles and bombs, as well as anti-radar missiles (flying on the radar of enemy radars).
At the same time, some sources report that in the framework of the State Armaments Program until 2027 it is planned to modernize the entire fleet of Su-25 attack aircraft (about 200 units), including those that have already been brought to the state of Su-25SM. Such work is really very relevant, given the indispensability of the Su-25 and the absence on the horizon of a real replacement for "Rook". It is also important that the car will be able to pass very quickly and full-fledged combat tests in Syria, which will identify and eliminate the existing shortcomings of new equipment installed on the aircraft. Obviously, earlier and effective automatic detection of opponents and the presence of a modern on-board defense complex will help to minimize the risks of such tragedies as the death of Major Filipov (his Su-25SM was shot down in Syria on February 3, 2018 by antiaircraft complex).

A source: https://regnum.ru/
Category: Military | Added by: vvs5500 (23.03.2018)
Views: 2180 | Tags: superrook, su-25, aircraf, Rook, Su-25SM, Attack, Russian | Rating: 1.0/1
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