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MiG-41: the premiere is coming soon

   An important element of the Russian air defense system is the long-range interceptors MiG-31. This technique is being modernized from time to time, but in the long term will need to be replaced. To this end, work is already underway to create a promising interceptor capable of replicating the capabilities of the MiG-31, and also surpass it in some parameters. Recently, new information about the progress of this project has appeared.

   By analogy with other new projects of aerospace engineering, the next sample is designated as "Perspective long-range intercept aircraft complex" (PAC LRI). In addition, from a certain time in open sources the name MiG-41 appears - it reminds of an existing interceptor, but at the same time it points to the novelty of the project. A few days ago, the PAC LRI / MiG-41 project again became the subject of official statements.

On August 17, the Interfax news agency published excerpts from a conversation with the General Director of the Russian Aircraft Corporation (RAC) MiG, Ilya Tarasenko. He once again confirmed the existence of the project PAC LRI, and also announced some details of an organizational nature.

I. Tarasenko noted that the MiG-41 project is not a mythical one. RAC "MiG" has been engaged in it for a long time. At the same time, the corporation is the founder of the program, which is being developed. Now the development of a new interceptor is carried out under the auspices of the United Aircraft Corporation. The work is carried out with sufficient intensity, and certain results are soon expected.

The general director of MiG said that the project of the PAC LRI is in the stage of "experimental and scientific work". After the completion of ongoing work, the project organization will be able to provide the public with certain information about the new aircraft. However, the head of the company did not specify the date of publication of the data.

The subject of technical features and characteristics of the future interceptor aircraft did not come up this time. Detailed information on the purpose of the aircraft and its intended tasks also did not become the subject of conversation. The management of the enterprise limited itself only to information about the origin of the project, its current state and plans for the foreseeable future. It remains to be hoped that the statements correspond to reality, and the RAC "MiG" really will soon be able to disclose some information about its MiG-41 / PAC LRI.

The long-range interceptor MiG-31, currently the main aircraft of its type in the Russian military aviation space, was adopted for service in the early eighties. In the future, the equipment has undergone several upgrades, with one of the upgrade projects being implemented at the present time. Nevertheless, the life cycle of the existing MiG-31 is nearing completion. Last summer, the general director of RSK MiG said that over the next 10 years, these aircraft will have to be decommissioned and replaced with new vehicles of a similar purpose.
The first reports on plans to create a replacement for the MiG-31 date back to 2013. The initiative proposal was voiced by the command of the Air Force and the General Staff. At that time it was a question of possible deep modernization of the existing aircraft or of creating a new model on its basis. As far as we know, this proposal has not yet been implemented in the metal, but the work continues and already has certain results. RAC "MiG" and related enterprises carried out a number of research projects and can use the data obtained when creating a prospective aircraft.

A little over a year ago, in July 2017, the head of RAC MiG claimed that at that time the enterprise was developing a conceptual design for a long-range long-range interceptor. The works were conducted in an initiative manner and without a direct order from the Ministry of Defense. However, in the near future the project was planned to be presented to the military department. Having received approval and state support, one could go to the stage of research and development.

A year ago, it was assumed that immediately after receiving an order from the Ministry of Defense, the corporation "MiG" will launch the necessary work. In this case, it would take several years for further design and other stages of the project. The delivery of the new MiG-41 could begin in the middle of the next decade.
Last year, during the international military technical forum "Army-2017", I. Tarasenko revealed some new details of the PAC PAC LRI / MiG-41 project. He noted that the new project is a natural development of the existing aircraft. However, it will differ from its predecessor from a technological point of view. The project will implement all modern developments, resulting in the aircraft will receive new opportunities. It is planned to increase the speed and altitude of the flight. Thus, the maximum flight speed will exceed M =4. In addition, due to a number of innovations, the MiG-41 will be able to hit targets not only in the atmosphere, but also beyond. In December last year, the assessment of the project PAC LRI was made by the head of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security, the former commander-in-chief of the Aerospace Forces Viktor Bondarev. Probably, this estimate was based on the information available to him. V. Bondarev suggested that the MiG-41 interceptor will be the fastest in the world, and its visibility for radar detection facilities will be reduced to the possible minimum. The range of the interception complex will be in the range from 700 to 1500 km.
4. In addition, due to a number of innovations, the MiG-41 will be able to hit targets not only in the atmosphere, but also beyond. In December last year, the assessment of the project PAC LRI was made by the head of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security, the former commander-in-chief of the Aerospace Forces Viktor Bondarev. Probably, this estimate was based on the information available to him. V. Bondarev suggested that the MiG-41 interceptor will be the fastest in the world, and its visibility for radar detection facilities will be reduced to the possible minimum. The range of the interception complex will be in the range from 700 to 1500 km.
Several products will be included in the list of weapons of the PAC DP. First of all, this is an existing long-range air-to-air missile R-37. The aircraft can also be armed with promising missiles of the same class, which have higher characteristics. With the help of such weapons, the new MiG-41, according to V. Bondarev, will be able to deal with standard low-maneuvering threats, such as bombers, unmanned aerial vehicles and cruise missiles. In addition, we should expect that the aircraft will be able to destroy and hypersonic missiles.

As far as these assumptions are true, it is not known. Officials directly involved in the project PAK LRI / MiG-41, do not yet seek to disclose all the most interesting details, and therefore the basic information about the future aircraft remains unknown. Among other things, this stimulates the emergence of new estimates and assumptions, sometimes the most daring.

For example, since the spring of last year, a curious estimate of the classification of a prospective Russian aircraft appears regularly in the foreign profile press. The MiG-41 is boldly attributed to the generation of 5+ fighters or even to the non-existent sixth generation. These assumptions are based on information about the sharp increase in characteristics and the expansion of combat capabilities in comparison with the existing machine. Experts suggest that the MiG-31 fighter of the fourth generation should be replaced by a car, at least the fifth. At the same time, more daring assessments are offered, suggesting that they "jump" through the next generation.

According to the latest reports, the Russian aircraft building corporation "MiG" is currently actively working on a new topic and has already received some results. Soon it is supposed to announce some details of the project. What exactly is planned to be told is not yet specified, but one can expect that the public will demonstrate the appearance of the future aircraft, and also announce some calculated characteristics. Also in new messages there can be information about a complex of weapons and combat capabilities that can be obtained through its application.

This week in Kubinka, near Moscow, an international military-technical forum "Army-2018" is taking place. This exhibition has already become a traditional place of demonstration of the newest domestic developments in different spheres. It is possible that the "premiere display" of the interceptor MiG-41 - so far only in the form of promotional materials and layout - will be held at the nearest exhibition. However, in reserve, the RSK MiG has other interesting projects that make it possible to compose a large interesting exposition without PAK LRI.

The replacement of existing interceptor aircraft MiG-31 is one of the most important tasks for the medium term, and it is necessary to work on its solution right now. Fortunately, the Russian aviation industry understands this, and long enough to begin the necessary research and design work. The appearance of a full-fledged aircraft PAK DP / MiG-41 is still classified only by the middle of the next decade, but given the complexity of the project, it seems justified. And besides, it shows that by the time the MiG-31 combat aircraft life cycle is over, aircraft builders will be able to offer a completely new car to the Aerospace Forces.
/ Kirill Ryabov, topwar.ru/
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A source: http://army-news.ru/
Category: Military | Added by: vvs5500 (26.08.2018)
Views: 1353 | Tags: Aerospace, Complex, MiG-31, intercept, long-range, MiG-41, Perspective, aircraft, PAC LRI, Forces | Rating: 1.0/1
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